
Guidance Committee

On entering secondary school, students will face various challenges at different stages. Preventive and developmental activities including talks, volunteer service and Big Brothers’ Scheme, etc. are organized to inculcate positive attitudes and values in students and stretch their potential, increase their sense of belonging and help them become responsible persons.
With the help of our school social workers and educational psychologist, the Guidance Committee also works proactively on early detection of students who have problems in adapting to new school life, getting along with their peers, emotional or learning problems, and hence providing them the support they need. 

​School Social Work Service provided by Caritas Hong Kong

Services provided:

  • Counselling
  • Planning and implementation of programmes for enhancing students’ personal development.
  • Parents’ Talks
​Working Hours
School Social Workers
Working Place
Monday to Thursday
9:00 a.m. – 5:15 p.m.
Caritas Hong Kong
Ms. Stella Ho
​​Room N502A,
School New Wing
Monday to Friday
(except Wednesday)
9:00 a.m. – 5:15 p.m.
​Caritas Hong Kong
​Mr. Lai Sing Wai
​Room N502B,
School New Wing

Community Services

The Guidance Committee is responsible for cultivating in students a sense of love and care to those in need through community services and leading them to live a life according to the Christian spirit. It collaborates and coordinates with the school social workers and organizations outside our school in launching volunteer services for students.

In each school year, students are recruited to participate in volunteer activities. Training is provided to help students better understand the target groups they serve.

Also, outstanding participants are nominated for external as well as school service awards so as to recognize their achievements.