
English Panel
The English Room features the sets of the school’s 50th anniversary English musical and some interesting props and costumes. A local diner is now turned into a games cafe for young visitors to play Scrabble and Boogle with the musical ‘Striving with Faith’ as the background entertainment. Visitors are encouraged to have fun putting on the costumes and taking pictures of themselves with our realistic props of food.
CSWCSS has a strong tradition of adopting music as a means of communication among students and teachers. Our music performance not only illustrates the musical capabilities of our students, but also demonstrates a continuous dedication of effort, a sense of teamwork, and a spirit of enjoying the music-making process. Special thanks to our Stage Management Team and Campus TV, who work behind the scenes to keep our dream alive.
Visual Arts
From our juniors’ sketches to our seniors’ acrylic paintings and sculptures, it truly shows that CSWCSS is a wonderful place for students to express their endless creativity, build confidence as well as a sense of identity. With the guidance of our teachers, students are able to explore attitudes and insights towards the world, and human experience that cannot be explored through other means. It is very important for our students to have a better understanding of themselves by creating and sharing their own values and culture through art.
The Scouts Team at CSWCSS is a fabulous group with numerous talents. During this Information Day, the campsite demo built by our team members shows their realistic happy training and living in the wild during long holidays. Though people know ‘knowledge is power’ from Francis Bacon, pragmatic skills and positive attitude in real life in line with nature proposed in the East are equally essential.
We aim to introduce Mathematics in daily life and the combinations of Mathematics and Visual Arts. We believe that it could raise people’s interests so they start to investigate Mathematics.
Physical Education
Volleyball demonstrations showcase our athletes’ high fitness level to perform 6 hours of training a day (total 12 hours), their high level of performance and fantastic achievements. Meanwhile, on the running track, young visitors enjoy I.T. in PE with the timing device, which is the leading technology among Hong Kong schools.
Innovators' Society
The Innovators’ Society aims to introduce students to the latest digital technologies and encourage them to create innovative projects. Our students have achieved remarkable results at local and international competitions, and have gone on to develop their career in a variety of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers.
Robotics & Electronics Club
School team members introduce how they design, construct, operate and improve robots for fulfilling tasks assigned in competitions. Our booth also showcases student’s prizes received last year, especially the champion of the RoboCup Junior, one of the three major international robot competitions. Visitors may also experience controlling soccer robots.
Aerial Photography and Videography
We aim to introduce the on-site 3D model and short film created by the team members of Aerial Photography and Videography Club. Visitors may also control first-person view (FPV) drones to fly through a route full of obstacles.
Every student, as long as they love Science, is given a chance to enjoy, explore and express the beauty of Science to others. A group of over 80 students showcase their hard work in areas of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Integrated Science.
The Pet Club and Science Society of our school also show their current work to our guests! Let’s take some snapshots of the work of our energetic and passionate youngsters!
Aviation Club
We aim to introduce how students learn to fly aircrafts by means of computer simulation. Visitors may also experience landing an aircraft properly with the same kind of simulator used by students.
Leadership Training Programme
“Making Miracles: Limited Resources, Unlimited Warmth” (15 May 2020 – 17 Jul 2020) “No matter how big or small, every contribution counts tremendously.” Co-organizer: Saint Lawrence’s Church, Caritas Hong Kong Community Development Service and YMCA Cheung Sha Wan Centre