Career and Life Planning

Latest Career Information

Please click the link below to view documents on latest career information.


Summer Programmes

Tertiary Institution Admission Information

JUPAS-Participating Institutions

​JUPAS Scoring Tool

Each University has different scoring methods and admission criteria. The JUPAS Scoring Tool allows students to gain access to the scoring methods and admission scores JUPAS participating institutions in recent years including the upper quartile, median and lower quartile scores. By comparing your expected HKDSE results and past admission records, the tool can provide a list of programmes that meet your interests and ability. Student can make good use of it to predict the chance of admission to any programme in subsequent years. 

Click here

​JUPAS Admission Score

​Students can obtain the admission scores of 9 JUPAS and SSSDP participating-institutions.


​JUPAS Statistics on HKDSE 2021 Intake

​Students can obtain the admission information in the 2020 intake. You may ask Career Teachers to gain access to the following information. 

Click here!


​In order to assist NAS students to easily access programme information from local institutions based on their interests, the Education Bureau and Hong Kong Association of Careers Masters and Guidance Masters (HKACMGM) developed a website and mobile application “e-Navigator: Multiple Pathways under the New Academic Structure”. This career exploration tool helps students search for programme information across different local institutions and levels (e.g. degrees, higher diplomas and associate degrees) under the NAS.


Local Studies


Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS) is a scheme and the main route of application designed to assist local students with Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination results (past and / or current) to apply for admission to the following programmes:

University Grants Committee (UGC)-funded Programmes

  1. UGC-funded full-time bachelor’s degree programmes offered by the following 8 UGC-funded institutions:
  2. UGC-funded full-time associate degree programmes offered by CityU;
  3. UGC-funded full-time higher diploma programme offered by EdUHK;
  4. UGC-funded full-time higher diploma programmes offered by PolyU;

Self-financing Programmes

Self-financing full-time bachelor’s degree programmes offered by The Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK); and

Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions / Sectors (SSSDP) Programmes

SSSDP full-time bachelor’s degree programmes offered by the SSSDP Institutions.

Other Degree / Sub-degree Programmes

  1. Electronic Advance Application System for Post-secondary Programmes (E-APP) is a one-stop online application system for post-secondary programmes developed by the Education Bureau. Candidates sitting for the HKDSE in the current academic year may lodge advance applications for full-time locally-accredited sub-degree and undergraduate programmes that are not covered by the JUPAS via the E-APP before the release of HKDSE results.
  2. To further assist students in programme selection and application, apart from locally-accredited self-financing post-secondary programmes, the Information Portal for Accredited Post-secondary Programmes (iPASS) will provide information on all locally accredited full-time higher diploma, associate degree and first degree programmes not covered by the JUPAS. These will include publicly-funded sub-degree programmes offered by the Vocational Training Council and publicly-funded degree programmes offered by the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.
  3. ​Concourse for Self-financing Post-secondary Education

Other Tertiary Institutions

Non-means-tested-Subsidy Scheme (NMTSS)

Further Studies Abroad


Major Overseas Studies Entrance Examination

Job Searching


Other Useful Links

Dream Born Career Planning Programme

Dream Born Career Planning Programme to enhance F.4 students’ awareness of career planning via a series of careers-related activities such as workshops, mock interview, personality test.

Life Planning Day

Life Planning Day offers opportunities for students to visit local universities to obtain updated information for further studies.

Old Boy Sharing Session

Old boy sharing session for F.5 and F.6 students about the tips and strategies in preparation for the JUPAS application.

Mock Exam Release of HKDSE for F.5 students

The aims of the activity are as follows:

  • Help students set a clear and reflect upon their strategies for further studies​.
  • Motivate students to learn actively in preparation of the HKDSE.
  • Enable students to explore different paths for further studies.

Interview talk and Workshop

Interview talk and workshop for F.6 students in preparation for JUPAS interviews.

​Community Outreaching Programme

Community Outreaching Programme which offered opportunities for students to work with the pharmacy undergraduates of CUHK to boost the community health awareness in Shamshuipo district.

University Programme Introduction

University Programme Introduction for F.3 students in which old boys were invited to share their university life and study in different faculties in local universities.

IDream 3 programme

To enlighten student to pursue their dreams through a series of inspiring life-planning talks. With the story-telling approach, students are encouraged to think about their future and goals.

​​Career and Life Planning Committee

Amid drastic social development, information about multiple pathways of career planning is ever changing. In order to keep students well-informed of updated statistics and information about career-related issues and boost their ambitions to pursue their dreams. The Career and Life Planning Committee has adopted a ‘whole -school approach’ to prepare to help students plan their careers path through various careers-related activities of Self Exploration, Education Exploration and Job Exploration.

Through the careers-related activities and continuous reflection upon learning experiences, students are able to progressively develop an understanding of self, define their goal of studies and careers path, hence possibly enhance their motivation towards study and attitudes towards life.

Committee Members

  • Mr. Chau Wai Hung (Head of Committee)
  • Ms. Woy Felia
  • Ms. Chan Pui Yi
  • Ms. Lam Tsz Min
  • Mr. Wong Ka Chun Patrick
